贝米吉州立大学’s mission for sustainability is to promote awareness and instill passion for the Earth through our leadership in operational, 学术, 健康, and community and cultural activities.


在波士顿州立大学, we have a unique understanding of and commitment to sustainability in which we emphasize personal 健康 along with social equity, 经济可行性, 以及环境责任. Our perspective has been greatly influenced by Anishinaabe culture – we recognize we are a part of the earth and dependent on it for our survival.  点击这里了解更多 about BSU’s 健康 model for sustainability.




BSU’s 巴基的自行车 program provides long-term bicycle rentals to enrolled students, 工作人员, 和老师.

To rent a bike, email a completed Summer-2024-Rental-Agreement-Liability-Waiver 对BuckysBikes@3com3.net

Bikes are available to rent for $25 per semester or $40 for the summer ($35 and $50, 分别, (教职员工).

看看这个 互动地图 of local destinations accessible by bike!



The store where everything is FREE!

If you’re a currently enrolled student, stop by 周一至周五10:00-3:00 during the school year for school supplies, kitchen items, clothing, textbooks, etc.

Have something you no longer want or need that’s still in good condition?  Donate it by dropping it in the green “Donate Don’t Dumpster” bin as you enter the 免费存储. Located in the 可持续性 Office right across from the Bookstore.



From 2009 through 2019, BSU was one of the EPA’s 绿色能源合作伙伴 because we purchased enough wind energy annually through 水獭尾动力的顺风 program to cover 5% of campus electricity usage – about what the Student Union consumes.

New program requirements mean we no longer qualify as a 绿色能源合作伙伴, but we are exploring how we may again achieve this distinction and continue moving BSU closer to its ultimate carbon neutrality goal by 2050.

Harvesting vegetables at the Food Shelf Farm


Do you need service learning hours for a class? Are you interested in volunteering in our community?

这里有一些很棒的联系人 服务学习机会.