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Lukas Szrot

Lukas Szrot
Assistant Professor of Sociology


I was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin but moved to Arlington, Texas when my mother, a machinist, and my father, 经济不景气时,一个机械师被迫去找工作. I did well in school until adolescence, when my grades began to suffer, 部分是运气,部分是家庭的鼓励,让我在2000年5月进入德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校上学. 我还记得,当我告诉父亲高中毕业后我打算成为一名街头艺人时,他脸上惊恐的表情, 在路边弹吉他赚零用钱.

在我习惯了大学生活后,大学生活变得很快乐,我主修哲学,并于2004年获得学位. 虽然我一直计划去读研究生,但我从学校“休学”了一年,这几乎变成了十年. During that time I earned a living managing a cafe, working as a fluid power contractor, driving a forklift, managing a live music venue, 作为一名乐手表演,同时也会表演一些街头艺人. Life can be funny that way.

I returned to college in 2013, and after completing some remedial course work, 被德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校社会学研究生课程录取了. Through perseverance, a lot of good mentorship, and more than a little luck, I became a graduate teaching assistant in 2014, completed my sociology M.A. 2015年获资助进入堪萨斯大学攻读博士学位. 我在2019年春天完成了论文答辩,并接受了北京州立大学社会学助理教授的职位.

长期以来对宗教和环境问题的兴趣使我有了一个论文项目, and recently, a book美国宗教团体对环境关注的历史趋势.S. 我从七岁起就想成为一名作家, 那时我开始用铅笔在那些有线条的螺旋装订的笔记本上手写短篇小说. But through my graduate education, and especially here at Bemidji State, I have discovered how rewarding teaching can be, 我很感激有机会成为波士顿州立大学社区的一员, 我希望利用我过去的经验和兴趣为贝米吉州立大学做出贡献 使命、愿景、共同的基本价值观和学生学习的维度.


2019: Ph.D., Sociology, The University of Kansas

2015: M.A., Sociology, The University of Texas at Arlington

2004: B.A., Philosophy, The University of Texas at Arlington


Fall 2021 (Current):

SOC2200: Social Movements & Change (in-person) [syllabus coming soon]

SOC2200: Social Movements & Change (online) [syllabus coming soon]

SOC3320: Social Class & Inequality (in-person) [syllabus coming soon]

SOC3320: Social Class & Inequality (online) [syllabus coming soon]

Spring 2022 (Tentative):

SOC3001: Social Statistics (in-person) [syllabus coming soon]

SOC3003: Research Methods (in-person) [syllabus coming soon]

SOC3010: Social Explorations (in-person) [syllabus coming soon]


Research Interests

从广义上讲,我研究社会与自然之间的关系. 这意味着要在文化和环境的交叉点上学习. It has also meant learning how human beings perceive risk; and respond to, or co-create, “natural” hazards. 它还意味着在理解人类能力方面解决对“自然”的感知, capacities, and limitations in social settings.

More specifically, 我的兴趣使我进入了社会学理论的子领域, quantitative methodology, environmental sociology, cultural sociology, sociology of religion, social class and inequality, sociology of education, sociology of gender, social psychology, and more.

Recent Work

Though religion, environment, theory, culture, and statistics are my primary areas of interest, 我写过的话题从科学教育到恐怖主义再到莎士比亚. I love to write, am happy to talk about my research, 并且经常留意新项目(尽管我也有很多事情要做)!). Please email me 如果你有兴趣了解更多新葡京博彩官网这些项目或出版物的信息.


  • 2021
    • Book: 绿色信仰:美国的宗教变迁与环境关注. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
    • 文章:《新葡京博彩官网》, Religious Groups and Birth Cohorts.” Journal of Behavioral and Social Sciences 8(1):42-59.
    • 书中章节:鲁查·安比卡、卢卡斯·斯洛特、科琳·格里尔和黛布拉·彼得森. “A Curriculum for Compassion,” 通过社会公正、公平和包容引领高等教育转型. IGI Global, pp. 198-217.
    • Article: “Democracy, Risk, and Return to Industry.” Fast Capitalism (accepted, forthcoming).
    • Article: Lukas Szrot and Brock Ternes, 对自然和气候变化问题的统治:干旱易发地区的宗教本体论和矛盾心理.” (revisions underway).
    • Article: Lukas Szrot and Matthew Comi, 社会学与相关环境价值:环境人文主义与后人文主义之间的建设性张力(手稿中).
    • Article: Katie Peterson and Lukas Szrot, “Science, Affect, and the Salience of Gender: A Mixed-Methods, Intervention-Based Study of Middle-School Students.” (manuscript in process).
  • 2020
    • 文章:“从管理到创造灵性:天主教教义生态精神的演变”.” 宗教、自然和文化研究杂志 14(2):226-49
    • Invited Book Chapter: Paul V. Stock and Lukas Szrot. “Justice.” Handbook of Sustainable and Regenerative Food Systems. 编辑杰西卡·邓肯,迈克尔·卡洛兰,和汉·维斯克克. New York: Earthscan by Routledge, pp. 98-112.
    • 杂志文章:“从中间:风险社会中的文化、合作和信任场所”.” 这种生命观:进化学会的出版物
    • Poster: Peterson, Katie L. and Lukas Szrot, 课程强化外展:它能提高八年级学生对科学的态度吗?” National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Virtual, Aug 17-20, 2020, (CHED 1692).
  • 2019
    • Invited Article. 《哈姆雷特的父亲:鬼魂学与现代自我的根源.” Fast Capitalism 特刊:2017批判社会理论新方向研讨会16(2):87-97
    • Invited Book Chapter: 2019. 《作为公共社会学的社会理论:本·阿格,1952-2015》.” Forgotten Founders and Other Neglected Theorists. Edited by Christopher T. Conner, Nicholas M. Baxter, and David R. Dickens. Lanham: Lexington Books.
    • Article: Lukas Szrot and Nathan R. Collins. 2019. “‘Social Cocoons,《新葡京博彩官网》.” Journal of Behavioral and Social Sciences, 6(4):219-30.
    • 编者简介:《新葡京博彩官网》.” Social Thought and Research, 35(1):7-11.
  • 2018
  • 2014-2017 (Telos Global Internship)